对于那些回到学校开始或完成学位的成年人来说, 辞职通常不是他们的选择. 与 family responsibilities on top of a school bill, you need to keep working, 通常全职, 为了应付回学校的事.  


Yes, it is, but you are going to need the right plan to make it work. 



父亲帮助他的孩子做作业.If you are going to go to school full-time while working, you are in good company. 多达… 70%的大学生 enrolled in full-time degree programs also work at least 20 hours a week. 许多就业的大学生将从事全职工作. 教育费用和你的日常需要使工作成为一种必须. 

有可能同时上学和工作吗 时间成功了,还是会两者中有一个吃亏?  

在工作的同时在学校取得成功是可能的, 但这需要一点创造力和大量的努力. Today’s higher education environment makes it possible with online courses for certificates and degree programs, but you are still going to need to be very structured and deliberate in the choices you make.   

Here are 11 proven strategies you can implement to go to school while you work a full-time job: 

  1. 找一份有弹性的工作

Flexibility is the name of the game when you’re going to school and working, 所以,找一份时间安排灵活的工作. 全职工作不一定要朝九晚五. 有时, overnight shifts or project-based jobs can give you the flexibility to complete schoolwork and attend classes while also working. Consider a position that may allow you to do some schoolwork on the clock, 比如提供午睡时间的托儿服务或通宵看护服务. 

  1. 找一份有在家/随时随地工作政策的工作

The pandemic has created a new focus on work from home or work from anywhere jobs. Many office-type jobs now allow their workers to do their jobs remotely, 哪个可以提供一些灵活性. While you will still need to clock in for the required number of hours to complete your tasks, you can eliminate commuting times and squeeze in schoolwork more easily during your off-the-clock hours.

  1. 在校园附近工作

If you do need to go to work, choose an employer with a location close to campus. The less time you spend driving to and from work, the more time you can spend on your schoolwork. A close location also makes it easier to take shifts that are close in time to your classes because you won’t have to worry about the time it takes to commute there. 

直接在校园里找工作就更好了. Work-study opportunities are plentiful at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and can provide you with real-world experience in your field of study. 

  1. 牢记你的职业目标

When working and going to school, keep your primary focus on your overarching career goals. 你能找到让你的简历看起来不错的工作吗? If you keep your career goals in mind even while working full-time during school, 你可以在毕业时获得一些工作经验.  

例如,如果你正在学习教育,你可能能够 find work in a daycare setting that lets you work directly with children, even before graduation. 

  1. 和你的老板谈谈

如果你正在考虑重返校园,并且已经有了一份工作, 然后在你注册之前和你的雇主谈谈. 如果你的教育将成为你公司的资产, your boss may be willing to work with you to create some of the flexibility you need to make it work. 

  1. 在选择上什么学校时要有选择性

Some schools are more accommodative for adult learners and people who are working full-time, 提供在线和晚间课程,以适应工作的成年人. 其他人则没有这么强的适应能力.  

 Choose a school that has these types of programs and is known for innovation and flexibility. 

  1. 考虑在线 学位课程

One of the best ways to get the flexibility you need to work full time and go to school is with an online degree program. These programs let you tap into the expertise of any school that has 在线教育, 消除了往返校园的需要. 很多都是结构化的,所以你不必在固定的时间登录, giving you the ability to fit your schoolwork around your work schedule. 

  1. 每天花点时间保持精神健康

平衡全职工作和全日制学校是有压力的. 你需要安排精神健康休息 经常. Have something you do every day for your mental health, like taking a walk or working out at the gym. Find an activity that does not take a big-time commitment but commit to doing it daily to keep your mental health in a good place. 

  1. 在需要的时候寻求帮助

You are going to need help from time to time when you are trying to go to school and work full-time. Whether it’s someone to help take care of some of your family 以及家庭责任 or help with studying for a big test, 当你需要帮助的时候,你需要愿意寻求帮助. Surround yourself with a village willing to support your educational and career goals for this short period while you are overloaded. You can greatly increase your chances of success with a support system. 

  1. 创建一个每天的时间表来保持有序

Organization and good time management are essential when balancing work and school responsibilities. One of the best ways to get through this unique time is to have a set daily schedule. 你有专门用来学习和工作的时间吗, 以及家庭责任. By setting up a schedule in this way, you will find that you can carve out time for everything. If you just try to wing it, you will struggle to accomplish your tasks each week. 

  1. 花时间做让自己开心的事情

只工作不玩耍s you a dull college student, so make sure you schedule some time for things that make you truly happy. This may be a hobby, or it may just be spending some time with your friends and family. Perhaps you enjoy reading for fun, or maybe you do best if you spend some time in nature. 你是唯一知道什么能真正让你快乐的人. 允许自己去做这些事情. 



上大学和全职工作是很难的, 但是有了 在线学位课程, the right learning environment and flexible work options now available to most people, 你可以做到的.  

丹佛大都会州立大学提供灵活的课程 在线学位课程 that make it possible for you to continue your career while pursuing your education. 与 programs that make it so that you never have to set foot on campus, you can continue dedicating yourself to your work while also expanding your knowledge and credentials through continuing education. 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s dedication to online learning earned it the accolade of being the Most Innovative University in the area. 与 90多个专业 and the option to create your own degree, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 offers true flexibility. 

了解更多可用的 学位课程, 在线教育, 并在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校注册, 伸出手去 今天的招生顾问.