
教师, 请包括任务, 描述, and student learning outcomes for the category of your course in the Course Information Module’s Overview page.  如果你的课程也是GT路径,也请包括进去 需要语言.


通识课程为获得学士学位奠定了基础. 学生发展思维, 推理, 和沟通技巧,同时发现新的想法和扩大他们的观点.  The coursework is designed to create the opportunity for learning across different disciplines and builds 经历 for students as they grow into lifelong learners.



描述:  Written communication is the development and expression of ideas in writing across many 类型s and styles. It includes 理解ing how writers may shape texts for their specific rhetorical situation.  It includes multimodal composing and the creation of texts that combine words, images, and/or data. Written communication abilities develop through interactive and iterative 经历 across the curriculum.


  1. 运用修辞知识-充分了解听众, 目的, 类型, 以及对情境有反应的情境.
  2. 开发content-根据情况和分配的任务创造和发展想法.
  3. 运用体裁和学科惯例运用正式和非正式的写作习惯, 包括组织, content, 演讲, 格式化, 以及风格选择, 特别是表单和/或字段.
  4. 使用来源和/或证据– Critically read, evaluate, apply, and synthesize evidence and/or sources in support of a claim.
  5. 文件来源和证据-使用适当的文件系统.
  6. 使用修辞上有效的惯例-熟练运用惯例, 包括拼写, 语法, 力学, 选择适合写作任务的词.


描述:  Students learn to perform effective and ethical oral communication that is appropriate to diverse audiences, 设置, 媒体, 和目标.


  1. 拟定一个信息-用连贯和有效的content传达清晰、有目的的信息.
  2. 使用数据和证据-纳入各种可靠的支持材料(例如.g. 例子、统计、类比、插图和引文).
  3. 倾听并回应– Practice effective listening strategies that enhance 理解ing, evaluation and engagement.
  4. 适应受众-适应不同的受众, 他们的信仰, 值, 和态度, 以及上下文的特征, 的情况下, 和交互.
  5. 适当的沟通-进行熟练的非语言交流.g. 声音的变化,节奏和身体行为)适合听众和环境.
  6. 沟通清楚-进行熟练的口头沟通.g. 清晰,生动,和/或引人注目的语言)适合听众和上下文.


描述:  Competency in quantitative literacy represents a student’s ability to use quantifiable information and mathematical analysis to make connections and draw conclusions. The main focus of each 定量的素养 course is the use of mathematical techniques and analysis, with problems from a broad spectrum of real-life and abstract 设置 requiring translation to and from mathematical forms.

学生学习成果:  这些和以前一样,只是去掉了一个.

  1. 应用和分析信息-运用数学技术分析定量问题.
  2. 用数学形式交流-用文字、图形和符号传达数学过程和结果.


描述:  在艺术和人文学科课程中,学生进行口译, 分析, and create texts and other artistic works to deepen their 理解ing of the various contexts that shape the human experience and explore fundamental questions of identity, 价值, 多样性, 和意义.


  1. 理解上下文-描述上下文(历史)如何, 种族, 少数民族, 材料, 技术, 宗教, 知识, 文化, 性别, 等.) influences the creation, content, or interpretation of a text, 表演, 艺术品, 等.
  2. 进行批判-批判性地参与文本,表演,艺术作品等. 通过运用社会/政治, 认知, 审美, 务实的, 道德和伦理, 或者其他符合纪律的标准.
  3. 创建一个原创项目-通过原创项目(论文)的创作实现课程content或技能, 论点, 叙述, 反射, 口头报告, 表演, 艺术品, 等.).


描述:  历史 thinking contextualizes the present by using a wide range of sources and methods to 理解 how people experienced the past.


  1. 找到来源-具备在需要信息时找到来源的能力, 并评估其真实性, 有效性, 以及用于特定目的的资源的可靠性.
  2. 以书面形式沟通-以书面形式与听众沟通, 通过使用适合场合和任务的语言习惯.
  3. 运用历史知识-展示美国的历史知识, 世界, 或者是世界上的一个主要地区.
  4. 理解上下文– Demonstrate, using historical sources, how context and contingency influence change over time.
  5. 解释的证据– Develop an effective historical interpretation and marshal primary and/or secondary source evidence to support it.


描述:  The 自然与物理科学s involve discovering knowledge in natural or 物理 sciences, 运用科学的思维和推理, 批判性地思考科学信息的使用.


  1. 了解基础知识-解释自然或物理科学特定领域的基础知识
  2. 运用科学原理-运用科学思维的原则和技巧.
  3. 批判性的思考– Evaluate the credibility of scientific information and interpret the impact of its use or misuse in society.


描述: 社会和行为科学课程研究个人的行为和行动, 组, 和/或使用科学方法和方法的机构. 社会与行为科学 also develops a student’s ability to examine and influence those behaviors and actions between and among larger 社会, 经济, 政治, 和/或地理环境.


  1. 理解基本概念-描述社会和行为科学的基本概念.
  2. 分析关系-检查个人如何, 组, 社区, and 社会 institutions relate or interact with each other and/or the natural world using theories and methods in the 社会 and behavioral sciences.
  3. 进行批判-使用社会和行为科学工具, 方法, 以及探索复杂人类的技能, 社会, 政治, 文化, 和/或全球互动和问题.


描述全球多样性是指学生批判性地分析和参与复杂事物的能力, 相互关联的全球系统(如自然, 物理, 社会, 文化, 经济, 或政治)以及它们对个人的影响, 组, 社区, 或文化.  These courses will introduce students to various concepts toward valuing 多样性 and the importance of inclusivity.  Students should seek to 理解 how their actions affect both local and global 社区.  Courses in this category must contain a majority of 材料 from one or more regions or countries outside the U.S. 


  1. 了解全球的相互联系-描述全球互联的影响, 包括对文化的影响, 社会, 环境, 或者个人.
  2. 分析全球多样性-分析世界观之间的联系, 经历, 和/或历史或当代背景下不同文化的权力结构.

民族研究 & 社会正义

民族研究 & Social Justice requirement replaced the Multi文化 requirement for students on the 2023-2024 catalog and onward.  两者的课程列表是一样的.  请始终使用最新的课程列表, 因为课程在您学习时被标记为属性.


民族研究 is rooted in a 社会 justice approach to studying historically marginalized 社区 of color. 民族研究 & Social Justice graduation requirement is designed to equip students with the tools to challenge, 理解, and contextualize the treatment of 种族ly and 少数民族ally marginalized 组 in the United States. 作为一个流动和有争议的空间, 美国在历史上一直是, 在地理上, 政治上的不稳定地区. These courses center the 经历 of marginalized 组 and examine the ways in which the existences and 经历 of these 组 have been historically shaped by oppression and systems of white supremacy. 民族研究 & Social Justice coursework interrogates relationships between power, privilege, and oppression. 学生探索过去和现在的权力和特权是如何维持压迫的. 另外, 课程content考察弹性, 激进主义, and advocacy of 种族ly and 少数民族ally marginalized 组 to counter oppression and systems of white supremacy. Students learn to recognize key moments of liberation and those movements that advance 社会 justice for 种族ly and 少数民族ally marginalized 组. Course content and 材料s may also examine and interrogate the oppression of other 组 whose marginalized identities have been 种族ized and who have been thus oppressed as 种族 or 少数民族 minorities.

学生们选择一门符合这些目标的课程.  学生可以选修一门满足这一要求的课程和一门通识课程.

  • Define and 理解 key critical theories and concepts that inform discussions of racism and colonialism as they overlap with other systems of power as historically situated in the U.S.
  • Define and apply concepts of 社会 justice within specific curriculum and course content to demonstrate the impact of 种族 and 少数民族 inequality in the U.S.
  • 识别和评估不平等的权力关系之间和/或之间, 一个或多个美国的边缘群体.S.
  • Recognize and describe ways in which power and privilege are held and upheld by dominant 组 in relation to marginalized 组 and/or individuals.
  • 分析制度压迫对美国边缘群体的影响.S.