
皇冠官网网站的学生住房页面有一些关于支付住房的有用信息, including financial aid and loan options. Please click the button below to visit that page!


丹佛市的生活和住房费用都很昂贵. Please know 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is here to help navigate your options. 丹佛市和科罗拉多州有不同的租赁援助选择. Please note, each program has specific eligibility requirements.


Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV), 住房补贴, 基于项目的代金券是为个人和家庭提供租赁援助的形式. HCV’s utilize a lottery system and are not guaranteed. 补贴和基于项目的代金券将取决于可用性. 请浏览不同的房屋委员会用地.

紧急 Rental Assistance 

如果你发现自己处于付不起房租的境地, you can consider emergency assistance. 一旦你知道你付不起房租,申请紧急援助是很有帮助的. The application wait time can be 3-4 weeks. 请注意,紧急援助视情况而定,并有可能发生变化.


紧急住房 Assistance

如果你需要紧急住房或面临无家可归的可能性, 请致电303-615-0006与学生关怀中心联系,与案例经理联系.

What is emergency housing?

紧急 housing is a short-term, 为无法获得安全住房的学生提供即时住房选择. 经历无家可归或即将面临无家可归风险的学生可能有资格获得这种支持.

To get help from the Student Care Center, 点击这里 提交转介.

要知道的事情 when renting your first apartment